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’ The mayor asked for further questions or comments. Councilor Kitty Carlisle asked what had changed in the four months since the mayor and city adm...nistrator and their wives had gone to England with council authority to spend up to $6.5 million to purchase the property. ‘Oh, a great many things have occurred affecting council finances since that time Miss Carlisle that would be out of order to raise at this particular meeting. Mr Carrington, our offer is $3 million — accept now or indicate how. Nigel touched his moustache as he appraised Charles, looking at him warmly up and down. Charles stood still as Nigel walked around the Frenchman and stopped behind him. Nigel put his hand on the small of Charles’s back. The Frenchman arched his back, his perfectly round buttocks sticking out even more. Brigitte turned Charles around to face Nigel. Leonora put her arms around Nigel’s waist and was pushing him gently towards the Frenchman. The two young men were inches apart. The women could see. That suggestion was not greeted with as much scorn and laughter as Betty had expected.By the way, Sue and Liz agreed that Rosco and Hammy were ready to meet the public. Grace and Betty agreed, and they thought that Buck and Bill were also ready. That meant that they now had 10 dogs that were available to Doggy Bordello, and they could concentrate on that business. With that in mind, Grace would go shopping for a second van tomorrow. She promised to make sure that there would be space for at. ” “That sounds nice Steve.” I ran an index finger up and down my front as I looked up at him. “Do you want me to keep these on or not?” I asked, with a twinkle in my eye. “Sorry?” He said, uncertainly. “Do you want to massage me with my clothes on or off?” “Ummm…what would…. you prefer/” He asked, suddenly losing his confidence. “Off.” I said. “Right. Yes…ummm.” “Is that OK?” I said, as sweetly as possible. Steve looked stunned as I began to ease my shorts down. I got them a few inches down,.
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