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Although Marianne was accustomed to Phillippa's way of consoling her, it was still odd for her tears to drip directly onto her friend's bare skin, whi...h was losing its summer tan and becoming quite pale in the late autumn coolness. It was also somehow more comforting than resting her cheek on the material of a dress or blouse, no hard buttons or stitching to rub against her face, while Phillippa supported Marianne's stouter body, clothed more modestly in jeans and a sweatshirt, and gently. She worked diligently, learning her craft of sucking my cock, how I liked it and how to make me come. Often gagging and choking, but never becoming discouraged, she sucked me off to a great orgasm. “Mm.. Yummy Johnny.” We spent four out of next five evenings together, before the weekend was upon us again, often flipping through catalogs from Victoria Secrets, Nieman Marcus...etc, ordering her an endless supply of clothes she could keep here in the house, in the large closest she had. Detective Joseph Basconti did not bond out. Later that day I sent an associate of mine into the hospital to check on Mary and deliver flowers from Bull Winkle. Lisa said Mary was sedated but that there was an officer at her door and he was not local PD but a Marshal of some kind. She said the hospital had her listed in serious condition. The next day I called my contact at the news station after seeing the news report and told her that he had a history of doing this and if he would do this to. Me and Mark used to ride together in a motorcycle club so we have a history. I should fire you for fucking a customer out there in the bar but I'm feeling charitable so I'm going to warn you not to do that shit again and I'll give you a chance to show me how sorry you are."I was still standing there in what was left of my ripped up top, bare tits, and wondering what part I would play in this?Then Dakota said, "I'm sorry boss. I really do like this job so how can I make this right?"Steve looked.
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