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’ God what a bossy-boots, Alex thought, although accepting she was the skipper. Anyway she had extended her friendship by ordering rum. It had becom... fucking cold. He received a brief radio message that the Rushcutters Bay was on its way into port. He found two mugs with screw on safety lids and approved of the brand of dark Jamaican rum that he found. ‘Thanks,’ the skipper said and looked as if she was ready to be kissed again but he refrained, not wishing her to think he was interested in. ” I stood and my once again, my hard cock sprang up. D smiled, leaned forward and put my cock in her mouth and started doing her magic. In a few minutes, I grabbed D’s head on both sides and started pumping my cock into her mouth, faster and faster, until I knew I was going to blast. Soon D said, “MMMMMMMMMMM” as my cock exploded in her mouth and started doing her magic. In a few minutes, I grabbed D’s head on both sides and started pumping my cock into her mouth, faster and faster until I felt. She was moaning as I rimmed her and came as I put my tounge in as deep as I could. I located some lube began slowly working it in her. Jodie was on her knees with her head down and ass up as I slowly put the head of my dick in leaving it with out moving since she had let out a scream when I started. I started to take it out but she backed up to keep it in her. Bob, give it all to me please andI slowly put my entire lenghth in her tightest of places. After she was used to it I slowly began going. She could be bi, like me, or she could be a lesbian. Asking a woman out, in a gay bar, while in the company of an openly gay man; what could possibly go wrong?I was slightly over-filled with Dutch courage and about to find out. AJ had pulled a damn fine looking guy, so I was going home alone even if I failed to impress Charlotte after our first proper conversation. I wandered casually over to her, and decided that stupid chat up lines and I didn't mix. "Hi. I'm Gabe. Can I buy you a drink?"She.
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